Saturday, April 28, 2007

EduBloggerCon 2007 in Atlanta - Update

There have been lots of fun new sign-ups for the free, all-day EduBloggerCon 2007 Saturday, June 23rd, in Atlanta. I figured it was time to start giving some structure for the day, so I've made some updates to two of the wiki pages.

1. I've put in a proposed time schedule that has 4 major blocks of
time for sessions, followed by discussion time. Those who decide to facilitate a session can add their session to a time block, and we'll see if people are able to balance things out. :) See the bottom half of

I've also proposed a whole-group starting meeting and a finishing meeting, and indicated some things that I think could get done during those meeting. Let me know what you think or add your suggestions to the page.

2. I've consolidated the two pages that had session ideas and session "offers," and have made it possible to indicate interest in attending a session. This should help give facilitators an idea of what interests others if we can encourage the use of this page:

I also think it might be nice to get some sponsors who could provide refreshments and, if we're really bold, lunch (!) or t-shirts or buttons. Let me know if you think you know anyone who would be interested.

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